K-Mean Cluster Algorithm

The following Code is a implementation of the common K-Means Cluster-Algorithm in Octave / MATLAB.

by Christian Herta
function[centroid, pointsInCluster, assignment]= myKmeans(data, nbCluster)
% usage
% function[centroid, pointsInCluster, assignment]=
% myKmeans(data, nbCluster)
% Output:
% centroid: matrix in each row are the Coordinates of a centroid
% pointsInCluster: row vector with the nbDatapoints belonging to
% the centroid
% assignment: row Vector with clusterAssignment of the dataRows
% Input:
% data in rows
% nbCluster : nb of centroids to determine
% (c) by Christian Herta ( www.christianherta.de )
data_dim = length(data(1,:));
nbData   = length(data(:,1));

% init the centroids randomly
data_min = min(data);
data_max = max(data);
data_diff = data_max .- data_min ;
% every row is a centroid
centroid = ones(nbCluster, data_dim) .* rand(nbCluster, data_dim);
for i=1 : 1 : length(centroid(:,1))
  centroid( i , : ) =   centroid( i , : )  .* data_diff;
  centroid( i , : ) =   centroid( i , : )  + data_min;
% end init centroids

% no stopping at start
pos_diff = 1.;

% main loop until
while pos_diff > 0.0

  % E-Step
  assignment = [];
  % assign each datapoint to the closest centroid
  for d = 1 : length( data(:, 1) );

    min_diff = ( data( d, :) .- centroid( 1,:) );
    min_diff = min_diff * min_diff';
    curAssignment = 1;

    for c = 2 : nbCluster;
      diff2c = ( data( d, :) .- centroid( c,:) );
      diff2c = diff2c * diff2c';
      if( min_diff >= diff2c)
        curAssignment = c;
        min_diff = diff2c;

    % assign the d-th dataPoint
    assignment = [ assignment; curAssignment];


  % for the stoppingCriterion
  oldPositions = centroid;

  % M-Step
  % recalculate the positions of the centroids
  centroid = zeros(nbCluster, data_dim);
  pointsInCluster = zeros(nbCluster, 1);

  for d = 1: length(assignment);
    centroid( assignment(d),:) += data(d,:);
    pointsInCluster( assignment(d), 1 )++;

  for c = 1: nbCluster;
    if( pointsInCluster(c, 1) != 0)
      centroid( c , : ) = centroid( c, : ) / pointsInCluster(c, 1);
      % set cluster randomly to new position
      centroid( c , : ) = (rand( 1, data_dim) .* data_diff) + data_min;

  pos_diff = sum (sum( (centroid .- oldPositions).^2 ) );



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