monte_carlo_model_free_prediction_and_control slides

Model Free Prediction

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Monte Carlo Methods

Monte Carlo Policy Evaluation

  • Goal: learn $v_\pi$ from episodes of experience under policy $\pi$
    • $S_1, A_1, R_2, \dots, S_T \sim \pi$
  • The return is the total discounted reward:
    • $G_t = R_{t+1} + \gamma R_{t+2} + \gamma^2 R_{t+2} + \dots$
  • The value function is the expected return:
    • $v_\pi (s) = \mathbb E_\pi[G_t \mid S_t=s]$

Monte-Carlo policy evaluation uses empirical mean return instead of expected return.

First-Vistit Monte-Carlo Policy Evaluation

  • to evaluate state $s$
  • the first time $t$ the state $s$ is visited in an episode,
    • increment counter: $N(s) \leftarrow N(s) +1$
    • increment total return: $S(s) \leftarrow S(s) + G_t$
    • value is estimated by mean return $v(s) = S(s)/N(s)$
  • by law of large numbers, $V(s) \rightarrow v_\pi(s)$ as $N(s) \rightarrow \infty$

Every-Vistit Monte-Carlo Policy Evaluation

  • to evaluate state $s$
  • every time $t$ the state $s$ is visited in an episode,
    • increment counter: $N(s) \leftarrow N(s) +1$
    • increment total return: $S(s) \leftarrow S(s) + G_t$
    • value is estimated by mean return $V(s) = S(s)/N(s)$
  • by law of large numbers, $V(s) \rightarrow v_\pi(s)$ as $N(s) \rightarrow \infty$

OpenAI Gyms "Black Jack" environment

In [1]:
import numpy as np
In [1]:
import gym
env = gym.make('Blackjack-v0')
[2017-05-22 15:01:13,988] Making new env: Blackjack-v0

There are two actions:

  • 0: stay
  • 1: hit
In [96]:
#random action
In [2]:
Help on BlackjackEnv in module gym.envs.toy_text.blackjack object:

class BlackjackEnv(gym.core.Env)
 |  Simple blackjack environment
 |  Blackjack is a card game where the goal is to obtain cards that sum to as
 |  near as possible to 21 without going over.  They're playing against a fixed
 |  dealer.
 |  Face cards (Jack, Queen, King) have point value 10.
 |  Aces can either count as 11 or 1, and it's called 'usable' at 11.
 |  This game is placed with an infinite deck (or with replacement).
 |  The game starts with each (player and dealer) having one face up and one
 |  face down card.
 |  The player can request additional cards (hit=1) until they decide to stop
 |  (stick=0) or exceed 21 (bust).
 |  After the player sticks, the dealer reveals their facedown card, and draws
 |  until their sum is 17 or greater.  If the dealer goes bust the player wins.
 |  If neither player nor dealer busts, the outcome (win, lose, draw) is
 |  decided by whose sum is closer to 21.  The reward for winning is +1,
 |  drawing is 0, and losing is -1.
 |  The observation of a 3-tuple of: the players current sum,
 |  the dealer's one showing card (1-10 where 1 is ace),
 |  and whether or not the player holds a usable ace (0 or 1).
 |  This environment corresponds to the version of the blackjack problem
 |  described in Example 5.1 in Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction
 |  by Sutton and Barto (1998).
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      BlackjackEnv
 |      gym.core.Env
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  __init__(self, natural=False)
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from gym.core.Env:
 |  __del__(self)
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  close(self)
 |      Override _close in your subclass to perform any necessary cleanup.
 |      Environments will automatically close() themselves when
 |      garbage collected or when the program exits.
 |  configure(self, *args, **kwargs)
 |  render(self, mode='human', close=False)
 |      Renders the environment.
 |      The set of supported modes varies per environment. (And some
 |      environments do not support rendering at all.) By convention,
 |      if mode is:
 |      - human: render to the current display or terminal and
 |        return nothing. Usually for human consumption.
 |      - rgb_array: Return an numpy.ndarray with shape (x, y, 3),
 |        representing RGB values for an x-by-y pixel image, suitable
 |        for turning into a video.
 |      - ansi: Return a string (str) or StringIO.StringIO containing a
 |        terminal-style text representation. The text can include newlines
 |        and ANSI escape sequences (e.g. for colors).
 |      Note:
 |          Make sure that your class's metadata 'render.modes' key includes
 |            the list of supported modes. It's recommended to call super()
 |            in implementations to use the functionality of this method.
 |      Args:
 |          mode (str): the mode to render with
 |          close (bool): close all open renderings
 |      Example:
 |      class MyEnv(Env):
 |          metadata = {'render.modes': ['human', 'rgb_array']}
 |          def render(self, mode='human'):
 |              if mode == 'rgb_array':
 |                  return np.array(...) # return RGB frame suitable for video
 |              elif mode is 'human':
 |                  ... # pop up a window and render
 |              else:
 |                  super(MyEnv, self).render(mode=mode) # just raise an exception
 |  reset(self)
 |      Resets the state of the environment and returns an initial observation.
 |      Returns: observation (object): the initial observation of the
 |          space.
 |  seed(self, seed=None)
 |      Sets the seed for this env's random number generator(s).
 |      Note:
 |          Some environments use multiple pseudorandom number generators.
 |          We want to capture all such seeds used in order to ensure that
 |          there aren't accidental correlations between multiple generators.
 |      Returns:
 |          list<bigint>: Returns the list of seeds used in this env's random
 |            number generators. The first value in the list should be the
 |            "main" seed, or the value which a reproducer should pass to
 |            'seed'. Often, the main seed equals the provided 'seed', but
 |            this won't be true if seed=None, for example.
 |  step(self, action)
 |      Run one timestep of the environment's dynamics. When end of
 |      episode is reached, you are responsible for calling `reset()`
 |      to reset this environment's state.
 |      Accepts an action and returns a tuple (observation, reward, done, info).
 |      Args:
 |          action (object): an action provided by the environment
 |      Returns:
 |          observation (object): agent's observation of the current environment
 |          reward (float) : amount of reward returned after previous action
 |          done (boolean): whether the episode has ended, in which case further step() calls will return undefined results
 |          info (dict): contains auxiliary diagnostic information (helpful for debugging, and sometimes learning)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Static methods inherited from gym.core.Env:
 |  __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
 |      Create and return a new object.  See help(type) for accurate signature.
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from gym.core.Env:
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  monitor
 |  unwrapped
 |      Completely unwrap this env.
 |      Returns:
 |          gym.Env: The base non-wrapped gym.Env instance
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from gym.core.Env:
 |  action_space = None
 |  metadata = {'render.modes': []}
 |  observation_space = None
 |  reward_range = (-inf, inf)

In [98]:
observation_space = env.observation_space.spaces
(Discrete(32), Discrete(11), Discrete(2))

Observation tuple for Blackjack:

  • sum of players cards (ace counts 11)
  • sum of dealers cards
  • player has useable ace
In [99]:
# Resets the state of the environment and returns an initial observation.
observation = env.reset()
(14, 6, False)
In [100]:
# env.step:
# Run one timestep of the environment's dynamics. When end of
# episode is reached, you are responsible for calling `reset()`
# to reset this environment's state.
action = 0
observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
observation, reward, done, info
((14, 6, False), 1.0, True, {})


For each observation we need an action:

In [101]:
# There are invalid states, but we don't care for convenience.
state_space_size = (33, 12, 2)
In [102]:
# simple policy:
policy = np.zeros(state_space_size, dtype=int)
In [103]:
def observation_clean(observation):
    return (observation[0], observation[1], int(observation[2]))

observation = observation_clean(observation)
In [104]:
In [105]:

Monte Carlo Policy Evaluation

  • Policy Evaluation
  • Policy Improvement
    • via $\pi(s) = \text{arg} \max_a q(s,a)$

Read: [SuBa] 5.1 Monte Carlo Policy Evaluation

Note: That the states are different in the OpenAI gym (here) and in [SuBa]:

  • here an ace counts always 11 for the player. But dealer showing '1' means an ace.
  • in [SuBa] only if there is no useable ace.
In [106]:
def run_episode(policy, env=env):
    steps = [] 
    observation = observation_clean(env.reset())
    done = False
    steps.append(((None, None)+ (observation, 0)))
    while not done:
        action = policy[observation]
        observation_action = (observation, action)
        observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        observation = observation_clean(observation)
        steps.append(observation_action + (observation, int(reward)))
    return steps # list of tupels: (s, a, s', R)
In [107]:
[(None, None, (13, 10, 1), 0), ((13, 10, 1), 0, (13, 10, 1), 1)]
In [108]:
gamma = 0.99
In [109]:
N = np.zeros(state_space_size, dtype=int)
S = np.zeros(state_space_size)

# every visit monte carlo:
nb_of_episodes = 100000
for e in range(nb_of_episodes):
    observations_reward = run_episode(policy)
    G = 0.
    #print (observations_reward )
    for o0, a, o, r in reversed(observations_reward): 
        G = r + gamma * G
        N[o] += 1
        S[o] += G 
        #print (o,r,G)
In [110]:
Gs = np.zeros(state_space_size)
Gs[N!=0] = S[N!=0]/N[N!=0]
In [111]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
%matplotlib inline
In [112]:
Gs[10, 3, 1]
In [113]:
A = np.arange(1, 11)
B = np.arange(4, 22)
A, B = np.meshgrid(A, B)

V = Gs[4:22, 1:11, 0]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
surf = ax.plot_surface(A, B, V, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
                       linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
ax.set_ylabel("Player sum")
ax.set_xlabel("Dealer showing")
ax.set_title("No useable Ace")
fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)
In [114]:
A = np.arange(1, 11)
B = np.arange(12, 22)
A, B = np.meshgrid(A, B)

V = Gs[12:22, 1:11, 1]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
surf = ax.plot_surface(A, B, V, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
                       linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
ax.set_ylabel("Player sum")
ax.set_xlabel("Dealer showing")
ax.set_title("Useable Ace")
fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5)


  • Try Monte Carlo Policy Evaluation with different number of epochs to get a feeling of the convergence properties. Take a look at the 3d-plots.

Monte Carlo Control

Read: [SuBa]: 5.3 Monte Carlo Control

Two assumptions for finding optimal policy:

For Black Jack the "exploring starts"-condition can be satisfied, if we choose the first action randomly. So let's modify the run_episode-function:

In [115]:
def run_episode_exploring_start(policy, env=env):
    steps = [] 
    observation = observation_clean(env.reset())
    done = False
    steps.append(((None, None)+ (observation, 0)))
    start = True
    while not done:
        if start:
            action = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=0.5)
            start = False
            action = policy[observation]
        observation_action = (observation, action)
        observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        observation = observation_clean(observation)
        steps.append(observation_action + (observation, int(reward)))
    return steps # list of tupels: (s, a, s', R)
In [116]:
size = list(state_space_size) + [2] 
Q = np.zeros(size) 
(33, 12, 2, 2)
In [117]:
from collections import defaultdict
returns = defaultdict(list)
In [118]:
nb_of_episodes = 500000

def monte_carlo_optimal_policy(nb_of_episodes, 
                               policy = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=0.5, size=state_space_size), 
                               run_episode = run_episode_exploring_start):
    for i in range(nb_of_episodes):
        # (a) generate an episode using exploring starts and pi
        observations_reward = run_episode(policy)
        G = 0. # current return
        # use a map for the first visit condition:
        o_a = {} # map from states to (action, return)-Tuple
        for o0, a, o, r in reversed(observations_reward): 
            G = r + gamma * G
            o_a[o0] = a, G 
        #(b) for each pair (s,a) appearing in the episode    
        for o, (a, G) in o_a.items():
            if o is not None:
                returns[(o, a)].append(G) 
                re_mean = np.array(returns[(o, a)]).mean() 
                Q[(o) + (a,)] = re_mean
                # for each s in the episode: optimize policy
                policy[o] = np.argmax(Q[(o)])
    return policy

policy = monte_carlo_optimal_policy(nb_of_episodes)
In [119]:
Q[5, 8, 0, 1]
In [120]:
In [121]:
import scipy.ndimage

def plot_policy_useable_ace(policy):
    B = np.arange(4-0.5, 22-0.5, 0.2)
    A = np.arange(1-0.5, 11-0.5, 0.2)
    A, B = np.meshgrid(A, B)
    Po = scipy.ndimage.zoom(policy[4:22, 1:11, 0], 5)

    levels = range(-1,2)
    CS = plt.contourf(A, B, Po, levels)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)'actions')
    #plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    plt.title('Policy for no useable ace')
    plt.xlabel("dealers showing")
    plt.ylabel("Players sum")
    _ = plt.xticks(range(1,11))
    _ = plt.yticks(range(4,22))
In [122]:
# TODO improve plots
In [123]:
def plot_policy_no_useable_ace(policy):
    B = np.arange(12-0.5, 22-0.5, 0.2)
    A = np.arange(1-0.5, 11-0.5, 0.2)
    A, B = np.meshgrid(A, B)

    Po = scipy.ndimage.zoom(policy[12:22, 1:11, 1], 5, mode='nearest')

    levels = range(-1,2)
    CS = plt.contourf(A, B, Po, levels)
    cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)'actions')
    #plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
    plt.title('Policy for useable ace')
    plt.xlabel("dealers showing")
    plt.ylabel("Players sum")
    _ = plt.xticks(range(1,11))
    _ = plt.yticks(range(12,22))
In [124]:

On-policy Monte Carlo Control

If the exploring starts condition can not be satisfied, because not every state $s \in \mathcal S$ can be a start state, we need to have an other strategy for exploration.

Read [SuBa] 5.4 On-Policy Monte Carlo Control

A simple method is $\epsilon$-greedy, i.e. with probability $\epsilon$ we choose a random action. So the policy we are following is non-deterministic: $ \pi(a \mid s) $.

In the implementation the policy of the array policy is chosen with probability $1-\epsilon/2$ and the alternative action with probability $\epsilon/2$.
Note that for each state $s \in \mathcal S$: $ |\mathcal A(s)| = 2$.

Note that the final policy is not the deterministic policy stored in policy. It's a soft $\epsilon$-greedy policy: The actions should be taken from policy with probabiliy $1-\epsilon/2$ and the alternative action with probability $\epsilon /2$.

In [125]:
def run_episode_epsilon_greedy(policy, epsilon=0.05, env=env):
    steps = [] 
    observation = observation_clean(env.reset())
    done = False
    steps.append(((None, None)+ (observation, 0)))
    while not done:
        if np.random.rand() > epsilon:
            action = policy[observation]
            action = np.random.binomial(n=1, p=0.5)
        observation_action = (observation, action)
        observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        observation = observation_clean(observation)
        steps.append(observation_action + (observation, int(reward)))
    return steps # list of tupels: (s, a, s', R)
In [126]:
policy = monte_carlo_optimal_policy(nb_of_episodes, run_episode=run_episode_epsilon_greedy)
In [127]:
# action taken with probabilty: 1 - epsilon/2 
In [128]:
#action taken with probabilty: 1 - epsilon/2 

Off-Policy Evaluation


  • following a policy $\pi'$ (behavior policy)
  • estimate for a different policy $\pi$: $v^\pi$ resp. $q^\pi$ (estimation policy)
  • $\pi \neq \pi'$


  • if $\pi( a \mid s)>0$ then $\pi'( a \mid s)>0$, so we have episodes with action $a$ taken in states $s$.

Idea: "Importance sampling of the whole episodes", see [SuBa] 5.5 Evaluating One Policy While Following Another

So the $\epsilon$-greedy (estimation policy) policy can be evaluated and optimized while following the soft $\epsilon$-greedy policy, see [SuBa] 5.6 Off-Policy Monte Carlo Control.

Incremental Monte-Carlo Updates

  • Update $v(s)$ incrementally after episode $S_1, A_1, R_2, \dots, S_T$
  • For each state $S_t$ with return $G_t$
    • $N(S_t) \leftarrow N(S_t) +1$
    • $V(S_t) \leftarrow V(S_t) + \frac{1}{N(S_t)} (G_t - V(S_t))$
  • In non-stationary problems, it can be useful to track a running mean, i.e. forget old episodes:
    • $V(S_t) \leftarrow V(S_t) + \alpha (G_t - V(S_t))$

Incremental mean

$$ \mu_k = \frac{1}{k}\sum_{j=1}^k x_j = \frac{1}{k} \left( x_k + \sum_{j=1}^{k-1} x_j \right) =\frac{1}{k} \left( x_k + (k+1) \mu_{k-1}\right) = \mu_{k-1} + \frac{1}{k} (x_k - \mu_{k-1}) $$


  • Modify the code for first-visit MC policy evaluation and control to use the incremental implementation.
